METZ 4-4000

podnośnik dwukolumnowy

udźwig 5000kg

wysokość podnoszenia: 100mm - 1800mm

opuszczenie automatyczne

wysokość: 2826mm

gwarancja 24 miesiące


Bilateral manual unlocking
The support arm is locked automatically when it goes up and is unlocked automatically when it goes down to the ground due to the self-locking structure.
The two-section spiral cushion can adjust height easily, facilitates positioning of auto supporting point, and is suitable for more low chassis vehicles.
The throttle valve is installed on the end of oil cylinder. The safety can be ensured even though the oil pipe bursts.
24V height limit switch can effectively prevent damage to car roof.
The rubber bumper pad is standard configuration and can effectively prevent damage to car door.

Hagger240M szczegoly


Hagger240M dimensions

Pobierz kartę produktu
4196 414
ul. Glinki 80/23
85-861 Bydgoszcz
NIP: 561-142-40-39
Adam Danilewicz
tel. 504-070-919
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